Community Membership Self Assessment + Course Feedback Survey

  • Due Jul 2, 2021 at 11:59pm
  • Points 5
  • Questions 9
  • Available Jun 21, 2021 at 12am - Jul 3, 2021 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Community Membership + Course Feedback Survey

At the end of the semester, you will complete this self assessment based on the class expectations for engagement and community, as explained in your syllabus and course introductory materials. Answering this self assessment provides me insight into your own participation and engagement in class, as well as how others affected the class environment for you.

Each semester I assess whether the course needs any adjustments, so I'm also asking for your thoughts on what works and what be ready for change. Your answers are appreciated! 

Your community engagement is worth 50 points of this class. Choosing to not complete this self-assessment may negatively affect the points earned.


This assignment asks you to answer 9 questions related to your perception of your class engagement, your experience of the class and materials, and the CRAFT of communication. Most of the questions ask for you to type up brief comments. 

This survey can be accessed multiple times, so you can choose to start it in order to see the questions, leave to think about them, and take the survey  again later in order to type up your answers. 

Thank you in advance for sharing your insights with me, they are integral to continuously adjusting and improving the course. 


Next Steps

You earn class citizenship points based on your interactions and engagement in class with the materials, one another, and your instructor. Your feedback about your own interactions, and any observations others have made about your role in developing the class community are taken into account. Therefore, when you complete this survey, the grade will remain listed as "0" until the instructor has an opportunity to collect and assess the entire class's answers, after which the grade will be updated and be reflected in your semester points earned.  


Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes