Course Syllabus
Prof. M. DubsonLecture Sections: 8am and 10am Email: (subject line: Phys 1110) Office hours: TBA in Helproom (G2B90) and by appt. |
Dr. E. HodbyLecture Section: 12pm (and course logistics) Email: (subject line: Phys 1110) Office hours: 1-2pm Mon and 11-12pm Tues in helproom, (G2B90) and by appt. |
Prof. L. HoughLecture Section: 2pm Email: (subject line: Phys 1110) Office hours: 11-12pm and 3-4pm Monday in helproom (G2B90) and by appt. |
Lecture information
- MWF: 8am, 10am, 12pm and 2pm. Time is section dependent (see myCUinfo)
- Duane G1B30
Tutorial/Recitation information
- Wed and Thur. Day/time is section dependent (see myCU info)
- Duane G2B60, G2B63, G2B64, G2B66
Required materials
- "Essential University Physics," Volume 1, 3rd edition, by Wolfson (e-text or hardcopy)
- "Tutorials in Introductory Physics," 2-book set, Custom CU Edition, by McDermott/Shaffer.
- Access to MasteringPhysics online homework system
All of the above are sold as a bundle at the CU bookstore. Do not buy the tutorial books online - they are a custom CU edition, only available from the bookstore. The bundle will cover Phys 1120 as well next semester, so no need to repurchase.
- Access to FlipItPhysics prelecture system
Access to FlipItPhysics will be automatically paid for in your course registration! You just have to activate the account. Details to follow by email.
- An iClicker (registered on myCUinfo)
- A scientific calculator
- As an optional supplement, free chapter notes are provided
Detailed Schedule and Syllabus
- The detailed course syllabus details policies for this course and access/registration procedures.
- The course schedule gives an complete overview of all activities and due dates
Important links
- Physics helproom schedule
- Tutorial staff gallery and tutorial schedule
- Tutoring
- Other useful and fun links
Please ignore the auto-populated course summary below. It is not complete!
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |