Course Syllabus

PHYS 1110 Syllabus

Course Description

Welcome to PHYS 1110: General Physics 1! This is the first semester of a calculus-based introduction to physics intended for natural science and engineering majors. The physics department offers a separate algebra-based sequence (PHYS 2010 and 2020) and a separate sequence for physics, engineering physics, astronomy, and astrophysics majors (PHYS 1115 and 1125). Co-requisite: enrolled in a calculus 1 course, APPM 1350 or equivalent. Pre-requisites: knowledge of algebra and trigonometry. No previous knowledge of physics is assumed. College level logic, enthusiasm, and curiosity will be helpful!

Course Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Analyze physical systems (accelerating cars, satellite orbits, bridges, etc.) using two paradigms: Newton's laws and conservation laws.
  2. Perform calculations resulting in predictions for physical systems using these two paradigms
  3. Explain qualitatively the effects of forces, the nature of kinetic and potential energy, and the nature of angular and linear momentum
Tyler McMaken

Tyler McMaken

PhD Candidate & Graduate Instructor

Lecture and Tutorial Information

Each student in PHYS 1110 is enrolled in a single lecture section, which meets Mon-Fri from 9:20-10:55 am in Duane G1B20. To learn more, go to our Lectures page.

Each student is also enrolled in 1 of the 3 recitation sections, which we call "tutorials". Tutorials meet from 11:10 am-12 pm most weekdays are facilitated by a graduate student teaching assistant (TA). For more information including detailed schedule, see our Tutorials page.

Lecture and Tutorial attendance are very important. If you miss one, you are responsible for understanding the material you missed; we encourage you to ask a trustworthy classmate for help.

We encourage you to read the textbook sections indicated on the schedule before coming to lecture and tutorial. If you complete the reading, you will be able to maximize the effectiveness of attendance.

Required materials

  • Essential University Physics, Vol. 1, 4th edition, by Wolfson
  • Tutorials in Introductory Physics, Custom CU edition, by McDermott and Shaffer
  • Access to the online homework on MasteringPhysics
  • An iClicker remote OR iClicker app (currently free to CU students) - join the course "PHYS 1110 Summer 2024" by searching on the app or using the link

Note: The Tutorials books are a custom CU edition that you can't buy on Amazon. You must buy it from the CU Bookstore. There are currently plenty in stock, so if the website tells you otherwise, check to make sure you've selected the right option ("2 TUTORIALS IN INTRODUCTORY PHYSICS PHYS 1120").

Note: Access to MasteringPhysics and online access to the Wolfson textbook is provided for free through Canvas. The bookstore is also selling physical copies of Wolfson, if you would prefer to have one.

Note: As an additional supplement, Prof. Mike Dubson's chapter notes can be found here.


Regular Exams 3 x 15% = 45%
Final Exam 30%
MasteringPhysics 10%
Tutorial Participation 5%
Tutorial Homework 10%


Your final letter grade will be assigned according to:

100 - 88 % A / A-
88 - 77 % B+ / B / B-
77 - 65 % C+ / C / C-
65 - 55 % D+ / D / D-
55 - 0 % F

Note: These grade cuts may be lowered (made easier) but they will not be raised (made harder). In the past, the average grade for this course has been C+/B- and it will likely be the same this term, unless there is evidence that this term's students are unusual.


There will be three regular (in-person) exams and a comprehensive final exam.

Exam Date Time
Exam 1 Friday, June 14 10:20 am - 12:00 pm
Exam 2 Friday, June 21 10:20 am - 12:00 pm
Exam 3 Friday, June 28 10:20 am - 12:00 pm
Final Exam Friday, July 5 9:20 am - 12:00 pm

Please check the above exam schedule and note that if you have any personal conflicts (such as a family vacation) you will need to take PHYS 1110 another semester. No make-up exams will be given under any circumstance.

If you have an emergency that makes it impossible for you to take an exam during the scheduled exam period, please contact the instructor as soon as possible. In such rare circumstances, an exam can be excused and replaced with the average of a student's other exams. Note: missing the final, or more than one regular exam, for ANY reason will necessitate retaking PHYS 1110.

For more details on Exams, see our dedicated Exams page.


Every Mon-Weds (except first week) you will attend a recitation section called a "Tutorial". You will work in small groups to answer conceptual questions (from the "blue book") about class material. Each section is lead by a teaching assistant (TA, a graduate student).

Tutorials are active learning environments in which the TA and LA act as a guide on the side rather than a sage on a stage. You will not be told how to solve problems, but will rather work with your peers to discover ideas and techniques on your own. 

You will hand-write solutions to tutorial homework (from the "red book") and your TA will hand-grade this work. Tutorial homework must be turned in by 9:20 am on the day following the corresponding tutorial, as specified on our Schedule page.

 We will drop your lowest tutorial participation and homework scores.

You are encouraged to work together on homework, but in the end, you are responsible for generating your own solutions and understanding.


MasteringPhysics assignments will be due every Sun, Tues, and Thurs evening at 11:59 pm. Late work is always accepted for these assignment no questions asked, but at half credit. We will also drop your lowest MP score at the end of the semester, no questions asked.

To access MP, simply follow the "Access Pearson" link on the left side of the Canvas page. The first time you use the link, you will be asked to log in (if you already have a paid account), or to enter the access code. This should be free through Inclusive Access, so you should not need to purchase anything directly from Pearson. For more information, see here.

The Physics Helproom

The TAs and the instructor will all hold regular office hours in the physics helproom. To learn when a particular person will be staffing the helproom, visit this link. Helproom staff will prioritize their own class, but will also help other students if time allows. If you need to see your TA or the instructor privately, contact them directly to schedule a meeting.

Keys to success


The material in this class may be challenging to you, even if you took physics in high school. For most students, attending class and completing the homework will not be enough; you'll also need to spend significant time each week reading and studying the material. Aim for mastery of the concepts - you only understand something fully when you can explain it to someone else. Don't trick yourself into thinking that you understand a problem after simply watching an expert solve it. Physics is not a spectator sport!


Attend every lecture, and treat it as a job. You are not there to just watch a show. Turn off your phone. Your desk should have a pen a paper and nothing else. Confer with your peers if possible via text message, Zoom, etc. Debate about the deep aspects of the questions.

Don't get isolated; join a study group and go to the helproom.

Don't fall behind; you'll never catch up. By the way, what is the reading assignment for today again? Go read it right now!

The PHYS 1110 teaching staff is available by email, by appointment, and for drop-in visits in the helproom. We are not too busy to help you. We enjoy helping you. Asking for help is a normal part of learning and everyone does it. Come get help if you want it!


This syllabus is accurate at the time of writing. Announcements about changes made in class and posted on Canvas take precedence over this syllabus. You are responsible for what is said in class, whether or not you are in attendance.

Additional Statements about Health, Disabilities, Behavior, Honor Code, Sexual Misconduct, and Religious Holidays

Please view policies at this link.