Student Mailing Lists

CU Boulder Student Mailing Lists

Options to Join

All partnership students, as full-time, degree-seeking CU Boulder students will be automatically enrolled on several list serves (including CU Boulder Today and the Tuesday Engineering Student Newsletter).  Additionally, students can join the below list serves, should they so choose:

Computer Science

Mechanical Engineering

  • ME Jobs & Internships List - Most postings are for internships and student level roles, but the listserv is also used for full-time, post grad opportunities

Students must be connected to the VPN in order to sign up -details are here

 Please note that some information will be specific to students on the Boulder campus, while some may be related to partnership students as well.  Other applicable emails (for both ME and CS students) will be forward directly to you from

Student staring at a laptop with two other screens.

Contact Information

Karen Ganss

Assistant Director of Partnership Programs 


Amy Richards

Computer Science Department 


Kat McConnell

Senior Professional Development Advisor